Activate and manage your career

Changes in the workplace (flatter hierarchies, successive restructuring, technological development, project work, networks ...) are the current reality. The traditional notion of a linear career is now obsolete and not likely to return. A longer life also means a longer working life. You now need to ensure your employability rather than focus on a safe job. To do this you need to:

  • Take responsibility for managing your career. Now.
  • Become comfortable with change.

How can we support you in managing and activating your career?

Whether you are actively looking for a new role, or assessing your current situation or exploring options, we accompany you from where you are to where you want to go. Based on our track record in recruiting, marketing and executive coaching, we partner with you to fulfil your career desires through step-by-step programs customized to your needs, beyond just career advice.

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The 5 stages in the career activation process:

Gain clarity

on needs

Identify edge

to succeed

Develop your plan

and monitor progress


desired change


become comfortable with change

"Pascale was instrumental in helping me with my journey when I considered a major career change."
Helena C, Sales Manager
"I feel valued, appreciated, listened to – and challenged."
Petra S., Global Head of Marketing
"Pascale’s professional support helped me clearly recognize where I was and, most of all, where I wanted to be."
L.L. Global HR Director